
Our house almost got razed to the ground! Oh, okay, I may be exaggerating just a little bit but it could have happened, God only knows.

There was a power interruption last night in the area where we live, actually one of the very few times that I experienced black out since being here in the US. It lasted for a couple of seconds only and within a blink of an eye, the power came back on again…. so that was no biggie – until I heard something like a gurgling sound coming from the kitchen. It was very similar to that which a coffee machine makes towards the end of it’s brewing time, except much louder. So perplexed, I ran to the kitchen to check out what it was, in time to see our refrigerator burst aflame!

“Oh my God!” I thought, “ FIRE! Our house is going to burn!” My instinct was to grab a glass of water to quench the fire but instead I yelled frantically to my husband (who was upstairs at that time so he had no idea what was going on) -- “Fire! Fire! The refrigerator is on fire!!!” Joseph must have leapt down the stairs because he came in a jiffy, but still the flames had already gone out by the time he got to the kitchen. (Mind you, when all this took place, I was on the phone with my father in the Philippines, so he heard all the commotion. Talk about multi-tasking, huh?)

After turning it off, Joe inspected the fridge to see where the fire started. The source wasn’t the power outlet, which is a good thing I suppose, otherwise, it might have caused us a bigger worry. Thankfully, no damage was done to the wall behind or anything else. The flames must have emanated from the fridge itself - from the motor (or compressor, maybe). The power surge caused by the blackout must have been too much for our good old fridge.

This scared the heck out of us, of course, especially as a neighbor’s house caught fire not too long ago. (We don't know how the fire started but I bet something similar must have happened to one of their appliances).

Whew! We are so glad that there was nothing combustible around the fridge that could have caught those flames. We thank God that we were in the house when this happened. Above all, we are so grateful to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for protection! Halleluiah!

So, we are fridge-less for right now. The upside to all this is that -- I finally get to have a new fridge! Yay! Actually, we have been wanting to buy a new one but were holding off on the expense, for a lot of reasons. But…..this incident leaves us with no choice but to get a new one.

Our poor old fridge gave up on us, and she went out with fireworks. Literally.


Big Sister said…
YEAH! A NEW FRIDGE! Glad there's a happy ending.
Jescel said…
Holly, we'll finally get the "water thingy" and Emily won't wonder anymore! heheheh.

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