
“Happy Holidays”.
This is now the political way of greeting someone during this season.

It is a fact, many have gotten scared of the CHRIST in Christmas.
Christmas tree is now a holiday tree.
No longer are there Christmas parties, but holiday parties.

In school, children sing "we wish you a happy holiday!"
The Christ in Christmas has been obliterated and replaced with a more generic, non-offensive term “holiday”.

As a Christian, are you okay with this? I am not.

Christmas is Christmas because of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus CHRIST. It is His birthday. Christmas is a holiday for Christians who believe that Jesus came into this world as the Messiah who died on the cross to redeem mankind from all their sins.

Now, tough if you don’t believe in Jesus -- but that’s a different issue altogether. Face it, wherever you go, there is bound to be someone whose belief, religion or spiritual principle is different than yours. But what are you going to do? Should you change every religious holiday names just so it won't cross your own? NO!

I am not Jewish, but I call Hannukah as it is… I am not black, but I call Kwanza as Kwanza. I am not a Muslim, but Ramadan to me is that - Ramadan. So just as I respect the other religious holidays, you ought to respect this season and call it for what it really is – CHRISTmas! Please.... don’t go around changing the term “Christmas” to suit your personal preferences.

Enough is enough.

I say “Merry Christmas” to you, regardless of your race or religion, because that’s what this season is!

And if you are offended, then I apologize. But it is what it is…so deal with it!


SILVIA A. said…
Merry Christmas to you both!

The Meza family
Anonymous said…
Michael said…
yeah! go for it!

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