I voted early!

Yes, Joe and I have cast our votes yesterday, after 2-1/2 hours of waiting. It was not that bad, after all, we were inside the library in a line that wound through a maze of books, audio CDs and videos… (Hey, they have adult movie videos in the library??!! That was a shocker)

Anyhow, it felt good to exercise my right as a citizen. I took a stand and let my voice be heard… all without even uttering a word!

This was my very first time to vote in the U.S., and may I say, for not just any other elections. By the voter turn-out, it's obvious that this is a very important election for Americans, the results of which will be a turning point in the history of this nation.

Now you might ask, who did I vote for? Well, let me tell you - I voted for NEITHER of the candidates. What??? By this I mean that I voted not for any personality, not for any party nor for any platform.

As a child of God, my real party affiliation is with Jesus and His Word, the Bible. Thus, I would vote for any one whose principles line up according to the word of God.


Let me quote a friend, Laura Dahne. Below is an excerpt of her newsletter:

God’s heart and His Law are very clear on three fronts: 1) Murder is forbidden;
2) Israel must be protected; 3) Marriage is only to be defined as a union between
a man and a woman.

This sure simplifies things, huh?

…Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you friend or foe?”
Joshua 6:13

In the above passage, Joshua asked the question, “Are you friend or foe?” And the answer was given, “I’m neither one, I am commander of the LORD’s army.” How interesting that this mighty angel of God did not even consider the question of whether Joshua was friend or foe, for the angel saw his role as servant to God as first and foremost. His like or dislike for Joshua had nothing to do with his position of serving God.

It must be the same for us.

I always wonder why people would want to live in a Kingdom called Heaven in the next life to come, if they don’t value the Kingdom of Heaven and its values here on earth. So out of reverence for the King, His Kingdom, and His values, it’s a no-brainer.

I voted for McCain.

I chose McCain simply because McCain is in line with God’s heart and Law. Jesus once taught us to pray “let Your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven”. It is time we do this.

Let your declarations be demonstrated through your actions. Vote for the glory of GOD!


Dave and Vicky said…
Congratulations!! We have to keep praying for our nation. I am so thankful that the election and the results are in God's control no matter the outcome.
But I do believe like you that we will hold an account for our vote.

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