Wisdom or Foolishness? You Tell Me.

I think this link has been circulating in cyberspace, but I just got this from a friend today...

This is a video of an extremely bold woman who made very controversial statements on Al Jereeza Television regarding Muslim, Christianity and Jews. This is one dangerous topic. Her name is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American pyschologist based in Los Angeles, California.

Watch the video as soon as you can, as they say that the link might not remain active for too long. Here is the link:

You tell me what you think about this.


Rey De Armas said…
Great video. I'll tell you, that woman is dead on. My philosophy teacher has a few other theories that support what she's talking about. Very interesting.
Jescel said…
I've no doubts that this woman already has a large price on her head. God bless her!
Tiffer said…
wow that is really powerful and true, i love what she says at the end, "before we can demand what human kind can do for us, we must ask what we can do for human kind". I'm going to quote that on my facebook. ; )
Jescel said…
the other quote I got from here is "you can worship anything, worship stones. but don't throw stones at me!".. one brave lady.
Anonymous said…
check it out, its awesome...
Anonymous said…
wow! goosebumps! i have to say i admire her courage in speaking his mind about this topic. i actually found myself staring at the monitor after watching it. wow! would you mind if i'm going to link this to my blog? thanks! :)

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