Shotgun Prayers

Lately I’ve been finding myself having quality time with God when I drive. It is embarrassing to admit, but it is when I am driving that I get my quiet, alone time with Him. Ironically, I am able to focus on the Lord very well despite the craziness of Miami's traffic.

Within the four walls of my car I've poured out my heart and soul to the Lord. The car is privy to all these wonderful, sometimes desperate times with Him. If only my car can talk, I am sure that she would be able to tell you about my most fervent prayers, my secret longings and deepest sighs.

But there are also those times that I find myself just throwing out one-line-prayers for someone, or for something. Like when an ambulance passes me by, I’d quickly say a prayer for the person in the rescue vehicle. Or, anytime when I see something in the street that moves me, I throw those one-liners out to God. Usually, these prayers are more like, “Bless that person Lord!”,“Help him/her live that she may know you!” Or, “Save Him Jesus!.” (Yes, I do pray for those annoying drivers sometimes ..LOL) It's nothing elaborate; just a simple, heart-felt, quick intercession.

A dear youth pastor of mine called these kind of quick one-liners – shotgun prayers. Shotgun prayers, short as they may be, I believe are as effective as those long moments of intercession. After all, it is not by our beautiful words that God is moved but by the intention of our hearts.

How many times have you found yourself just suddenly thinking about someone, or something when you’re driving? Or how many times have you seen something on the road that really moved you? How have you responded?  I believe that some of these times maybe because the Holy Spirit is quickening our inner man to intercede at that particular moment. Our problem is that sometimes we analyze too much, or that we are too busy about the cares of this world to even notice, thereby missing those moments when the Holy Spirit speaks.

Galatians 5:16 says “live by the Spirit....” . If I may translate this verse, my version would be “practice His presence”. We need to be conscious of the Lord’s presence at all times, so that not only will we “not gratify our sinful natures”, but also, that we may remain sensitive to the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit, therefore enabling us to be of use to Him anytime He wants us.

So, have you heard God lately?


Tiffer said…
thats so cool that u talk to God in your car. i like the idea of "shot gun prayers" yes, they can be very powerful...
Jescel said…
thanks..we gotta be ready in season and out of season to be used of God, right?
Tiffer said…
wats ur email so i can invite u to my blog?
Jescel said…
Anonymous said…
I agree that sometimes we get so caught up in our cares, that we forget that God hears the simplest of prayers.

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