Logans Update

I just wanted to share with you the news that the Logans have arrived safely in Capetown, S. Africa this morning (Miami time). Holly's Mom just called me, and she spoke with Holly on the phone just a few minutes before.

Their flight went well. The girls were good, thank God, as we all know Kevin and Holly were worried about their daughters for the most part. They're now trying to settle in, have bought a few groceries, but time is catching up with them and they're getting tired. (S. Africa is 6 hrs ahead of Miami)

Holly doesn't know how soon DSL can be installed in their house, but in the meantime, she'll try to find an internet cafe so she can send us their update. But for now, I'll try to pass on to you whatever news I hear about them.


Dave and Vicky said…
Your last post made me really sad. I have been trying not to think that they are gone, but thinking about the work God has for them.
Thank you for keeping us updated.
Call us whenever you want to hang out.

We missed you at cell group. :)
Jescel said…
sorry, didn't mean to be sad :oD I know God has great things in store for them there. Didn't make it to cell group, Joe worked this weekeend and was tired. We stayed home, watched FRClive on the internet. It's cool! Message was awesome, as always. :o) Will give you a call..
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the update on the Logans. Hope this week is better for them.
We missed you yesterday in the small group.
Since we finished with the book of Ruth next Sunday we will have a barbecue/pool party after church at my house. So bring you bathing suit and something to grill or dessert..Hope you can make it.

Silvia Meza

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