Thanksgiving And A Few Lessons
Without a doubt, I would say this has been the most challenging year of my life ever. But rather than focusing on the challenges, today, I choose to give testimony to the Lord's goodness in my life.
Things do happen for a reason. So I want to thank the Lord Jesus for all those trials and tribulations, because the testing of my faith has developed in me perserverance and maturity in a way that I would never have, had I not gone through those difficulties.
Here are a few of the valuable lessons I have learned in the midst of my parents' health crisis and my mother's passing away this year:
- Health is indeed wealth. You can never take your life for granted.
- That my husband really loves me. And I absolutely love him. I am not the same without him.
- That I love my parents and would do anything for them to get better.
- That every time spent with loved ones / family is precious. Savor every minute of it cause you will never know if that is your last time with them.
- It is okay to be vulnerable and to feel weak, and to admit so.
- That it is okay to ask for help. And it is okay to receive help.
- The Lord truly provides. God uses people and circumstances to meet our needs.
- That there is wisdom in seeking many opinions.
- That I am emotionally stronger and more resilient than I thought I am.
- I have real good friends both in Miami and in Cebu (Philippines).
- That I have a great spiritual family in Cebu.
- That it is really the PEACE of God that can bring you through any situation in life.
- That I am only as strong as my prayer life.
Thank you Jesus for Your LOVE that casts out all fears, for Your GRACE to believe in You, for Your HOPE that brings us through, for Your HOLY SPIRIT who comforts us, for Your WORD that guides us, for Your PROVISION that meets all our needs and for your BLOOD that protects us.
In all things, I will give praise and thanksgiving to You - at all times and in everyway, may Your name be praised. Amen.