Good, Godly Sunday

It’s been a good Sunday, so far. We went to Flamingo Road Church (Doral) again today. And I’m glad that we did. The worship today was exceptional. It moved me deeply and met me at the point of my need, where the Holy Spirit was able to do His ministry within me. I was touched at the core of my spirit and was able to release to the Lord the dam of emotions within me, laying them down at the foot of His cross. The Lord does not despise a broken spirit and a contrite heart - and broken and contrite was I today. During worship, tears were just streaming continuously down my face uncontrollably. I was
a child weeping at the bosom of my Abba Father, my Daddy God and it seemed like His strong arms were around me and He was whispering to me softly “it’s alright, my beloved”. I felt secure. Oh, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is indeed freedom. A heavy burden was lifted off of me today. How wonderful it is to be in His presence.

To the worship team lead by
Heredes, kudos to you guys. It does make a difference when a worship team worships in spirit and in truth. There is a marked distinction between a good performance and anointed worship. A good performance is remembered for a moment, but an anointed worship changes lives. And today was a specially anointed one. I am sure a lot more were touched by the Holy Spirit today besides me. Good job you guys. Keep it up and glory to God.

Following the service, was the surprise party of one of our friends,
David. The surprise party was organized by his lovely wife Vicky and it was just nice to witness how his face lit up when he realized that he walked in to his very own surprise birthday party. It was a good time of fellowship with friends and I’m glad that Joe and I had the opportunity to spend time with everybody. All in all, I’d like to give the Lord praise and thanks for His Word and His touch today, for godly friends and good Cuban food.

But my day is not over yet. In a few hours, I am calling my family in the Philippines and my mother's Oncologist. I'm filled with trepidation at the thought of calling and hearing more bad news, but I realize that this is fear-- and fear does not come from God. No matter what I hear from my family/doctor about my mother, I decide to continue to stand on the report of the Lord - that He heals all our diseases, and His mercy never ends. He triumphs over the enemy and His banner over us/my mother, is love. I said above that this Sunday has been good, thus far. But I will have to believe that all is well that ends well -- that this Sunday will be good all the way because OUR GOD IS GOOD. And I declare this in Jesus' name! Eat that, Devil!


Joseph said…
very good bloggin, jes...
love the way you let it out!
Jescel said…
thanks honey... got to let it out somehow.. ;oD
Anonymous said…
Indeed it was a great praise and worship time...

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