
Despite the advancement of medicines and therapies, cancer remains to be the most evil disease plaguing mankind to this date. I should know, I have two of my most beloved people affected by it – my mother and my father.

Today, I can’t help but wonder why good people, like my parents, get affected with cancer. My heart is aching so much, especially for my mother whose cancer is far more advanced than my father. My father has recovered really well from his colon surgery. My mother, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to get better. Just the other night, I can already hear the hopelessness in her voice. She wants to give up. She is ready to give up.

My mother has just been through another round of chemo. Though this time the drug was taken orally, but the effects remain the same. She is physically weak to the point that she has a hard time moving. On top of that, her
skin is getting worse. The lesions has spread from her chest to her arms and neck. She is having sleepless nights. I can only imagine the discomfort she’s feeling all through the day and night – the silent torture of itchiness mixed with the burning sensation on her skin.

Why does she have to go through this suffering? Why is my mother is being punished this way? Has the Lord heard my desperate cries and tearful petitions for my mother, I wonder? Have I done the right decisions regarding her medications? Is there anything else I can do to alleviate her pain? So many questions, and yet, there are no answers.

Each time I speak with my mother, I am at a loss for words. What do you say to a loved one who is terminally ill? Sure, I’ve said a lot. I’ve encouraged, fought and prayed with her. I’ve been gentle with her, but also been rough with her at times. But really, what words can make her feel better and remove her pain away? Is telling her “I love you” enough???

I may not know the answers to all my questions, but I know the ONE who knows. He has the WORD. He is the WORD of LIFE. Lord, just say the WORD and I know, my mother will be healed.

David must have known when he said “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!”… He must have known that all of us, at one time or another will have rough days, weeks, months or even years. This is a declaration of faith. This is the attitude of faith -- that despite of everything, the Lord is still God. It is tough for me to rejoice at this moment. But I guess, this is the essence of PRAISE. In good times and in bad, I shall give thanks to Him. After all, PRAISE is my ONLY weapon, and the BATTLE is the Lord’s!


Anonymous said…
Wow..powerful post, Jes.
I can't imagine everything you and your family must be going through right now. Stay strong in the Lord, Jes...and I'll be praying for you.
Jescel said…
Like I told everyone, I covet everybody's prayers at this time. Thank you for your prayers. It means a lot to me.
Anonymous said…
joy is the hallmark of Kingdom people. blessings!

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