The condition of my heart

It's just another manic Monday... This day began just like any other Monday - blah! I felt like not getting up and going to work. But unlike the other Mondays, the Lord "woke" me up today.

I went out to walk the dog this morning as I usually do. I met our neighbor who is likewise walking her dog. She knows about my mother's condition, and she asked about her. I replied, albeit very hesitant and said "not very good. Her cancer is spreading, etc..." When those words came out of my mouth, the Holy Spirit flashed a red light in my mind. God showed me the condition of my heart. Despite all my prayer declarations of healing and miracle over my mother, He knows that in the deepest place of my heart - I lack faith. And my physical state today is most likely a reflection of my spiritual weariness.

I am a child of GOD yet I have the defeatist attitude. This is hard to accept, but somehow it is true. Sometimes, we don't really believe that we deserve the miracles of God in our lives, that's why it is easier for us to adapt to the victim's mentality. We are ready to settle for mediocrity, and in so doing, we limit God.

We often forget that GOD is good, just because it is His nature to be good. His love is unconditional. There is nothing that we have done, nor nothing that we did not do that can lessen the love that He has for His children! It is His good pleasure to give us good gifts. We are GOD'S favored children! And because we are walking with FAVOR from the Lord, we must stop being negative. Our confession must change. We must stop expecting the worse, but believe for the best. A friend once shared to me that "a heart of expectation creates an atmosphere of miracle". This is exactly the kind of attitude I need to have.

And so as I continued to walk the dog, I reflected on these things. I had to repent for my doubt and once more I asked God to give me faith and strength to BELIEVE. It is not enough for me to receive the miracle, for receiving implies a passive action on my part. I got to CLAIM that healing as His word promises. It is mine, it's mine, it's mine! I claim it for my mother!

Lord, thank you for speaking this message to me today. Thank you for reminding me to change my attitude and reminding me that I am YOUR favored child. You have anointed my head with oil and my cup overflows. Surely GOODNESS AND GRACE will follow me ALL the days of my life. So be it Lord. In Jesus' name.


Anonymous said…
Praying for you and your parents...
Five years ago my mom was with lung cancer. Through my desesperation I learned to pray "Lord your will before than mine"...My mom is healed now and in remission...Hope this give you strength. Silvia Meza

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