Scaling A Wall

Hi All..

Just incase you all are wondering what’s up with us and my father, here’s the latest situation.

As you all know, he had his BKA (below the knee amputation) last Saturday, Aug 16th. I know that in my last email/post, I wrote below the ankle – that was a mistake, I was sleepy ;o). The surgery went uneventful, thank GOD. The doctor didn’t find it necessary to cut above the knee. According to him, the condition of his leg a couple of inches below the knee is okay.

So my father is now recovering. He was in pain only the day after the surgery. But he was given so much painkiller (Nubaine, Tramadol– both downers) that he felt comfortable, but totally in lala land. Hahahaa.. At one point, he was hallucinating.

My father’s surgical wound is looking good, but he’s not totally out of the woods yet. There’s another issue that the doctors are dealing with right now. Since having been admitted to the hospital Tuesday of last week (Aug 11th), he has had 3 blood transfusions. But inspite of this, his hematocrete level is still lower than normal. In simple terms, he is anemic—and his stool is dark. So the doctors suspect either of these two things:
1) that his ulcer is bleeding. He has been taking so many medications these past 9 months without proper solid intake that his stomach could be utterly irritated, thus the bleeding. Or; 2) that this bleeding has something to do with his colon cancer. He maybe developing another cyst/ tumor in his intestines somewhere that is causing the bleeding.

So today (Aug 19th), my father is going to have another colonoscopy. They would have wanted to do an endoscopy as well, but I just asked the doctor to do the more important one first as we have limited finances. The gastro-intestinal specialist thinks that it is more important to do a colonoscopy due to his CA history; and also because my father has no complaint about having stomach pains or heartburn. She said that having bleeding ulcers would cause a lot of pain in the upper area of the abdomen – and my father totally doesn’t feel any pain in that area whatsoever. So colonoscopy it is.

Since my father’s colon cancer was diagnosed on June 2007, and after the mass was taken out, we never really dealt with it. At that time my mother was fighting for her life as well due to breast cancer so it was more urgent to deal with her first. I refused to have both of them subjected to chemotheraphy and having both of them very weak at the same time. Also, at that timedoctor said my dad’s cancerous mass was localized and it was in its earlier stages so it was not urgent to give him chemo. But really, I didn’t (and still don't) want to put him through chemotheraphy, seeing that my mother’s deterioration went faster after having been subjected to that chemical assassination.

As you can see, there is another mountain looming in our horizon. But the bible says that “He (the Lord) has trained by arms for battle and my fingers for war… and with His help I can advance against a troop and scale a wall!” (ps 144:1; Ps18:29) Intimidating as it is, I am holding fast to Jesus, my only hope in this situation.

If you would find it in your heart, please join me in my prayers for my father for a miracle of healing in his spirit, soul and body. Your intercession really helps me have the strength to speak to this mountain so that it shall be moved.

And it will, in Jesus’ name!

Thank you and till my next update.

God bless us all.


Dave and Vicky said…
Our deepest prayers and our hearts our with you...Jescel, we are lifting your father and you up to the Lord. We pray for healing, wisdom, strength, and above all peace. We love you.
Anonymous said…
Raul and I are praying that God does a miracle in your father's life. We also pray that God will continue to give you strength and comfort through this difficult time. Love you. ~Tati
Big Sister said…
you are continually in our prayers and we're glad that the surgery itself went well. I know his heart was a concern. We will continue to pray for healing and strength - He IS with you, even in this valley. We love you lots and hope to talk soon. All our love.
Anonymous said…
Always praying for you and your father. How is he doing?
Silvia M.

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