One Flesh
Genesis 2:24 says—“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh ”. I am sure that you’re very familiar with the above passage. After all, this is one of the most widely used versesfor weddings, isn’t it? Today I just want to share with you how the Lord used circumstances in my life for me to understand more what being “one-flesh” is all about. Since I got married on 2002, I’d never been apart from my husband - until last year (2006) when medical emergencies with my parents necessitated my travel to the Philippines several times… alone! I first thought that it would not be such a big deal. But boy was I wrong. Leaving my husband for the first time was much more difficult than I thought it would be…. I was crying from Miami all the way to HongKong! It was embarrassing, but there was nothing I could do to hold back the tears. Sounds corny, but my heart just ached for him! Being without my husband really felt that a part ...