
Showing posts from February, 2009


I had a core biopsy done yesterday on cystic growths in my breasts. Many of you may not know, but I am "lumpy" :oD I have multiple cysts and nodules in both my breasts. I have known about this since 2003 and had been having my annual mammogram and sonogram since then. I dreaded the thought of having a biopsy, but I guess, this procedure became inevitable the moment my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and died from it the following year. It was just a matter of time. Last month on my breast sonogram routine exam, the doctors found multiple new growths (bilaterally), and some of those existing ones increased in size. But what really concerned them are two particular lumps, one from each breast, that look suspicious. These findings established the need for me to have biopsy done on those two lumps in question, especially given the history of my family, particularly that of my very own mother. I first noticed the lumps during a self-examination. Looking b...

21-Day Daniel Fast

Last Friday, my husband and I concluded our 21-day Daniel Fast. (For those who don’t know what a Daniel fast is, pls. read Daniel 1:1-15 in the bible). We were, essentially, on a vegan diet during the period – we ate no meat/fish, no dairy and it’s products, no white flour and it’s products, no caffeine, no sodas – no processed foods with artificial additives and preservatives. It was challenging but in the end, we liked it. It is a very healthy way to eat. This has been the 3rd year that my husband and I have fasted at the start of each year. We didn’t plan or even talk about it, it just happened that way. I’d like to believe that we were just going with the leading of the Holy Spirit. :o) Personally, I have done several ways of fasting at varying lengths of time. There is just simply humbling in denying our flesh from what it needs in order to draw closer to our God, enhance our spirit and go deeper in our prayer life. God is glorified every time we decide to take our eyes off of the...